Proactive/Defensive DrivingThis is a 7 hours government approved classroom instruction. Interactive discussions on defensive driving skills are discussed in details. Booklets and instructional materials are provided. Films on driving safely, responsibly and defensively are shown. Upon successfully completing the program, student receives certificate from our school. The certificate will help eliminate 3 demerit points from your driving record.



  • Holders of operating licenses who have accumulated a lot of demerit points.
  • Holders of operating licenses who are intending to drive a taxi / limousine or for other employer use.

Give your employees the Defensive Driving Course (DDC) and help them join the ranks of most safety-conscious drivers on the road.

For employees who drive either a company vehicle or their own vehicle on the job, safe driving is a matter of occupational safety. However, an estimated nine out of 10 time-lost injuries happen off the job, not counting employees who take time off to care for an injured family member.

When a company driver is involved in a crash, insurance rates can skyrocket. In addition, indirect costs (whether the worker was driving on or off the job) can include recuperation time, re-staffing, retraining and lost productivity.

Traffic crashes are preventable ... by defensive driving.


The Defensive Driving Course is an established, proven program designed to produce:

  • fewer company- vehicle collisions
  • less absenteeism due to injuries and court time; and
  • life-long safe driving habits.

Complete concepts are presented so they are easily understood. Materials are fully integrated. This enables participants who can’t read well to learn visually and through group discussion.